Bahamas International Asset Protection Trust Package


Bahamas International Asset Protection Trust Package

Bahamas International Asset Protection Trust Package

This is the Ultimate International Asset Protection Vehicle – a Bahamas Irrevocable Discretionary Asset Protection Trust with a Hong Kong Trustee and an International Protector that will allow you to “control everything, but own nothing!” …… A total package value worth tens of thousands of dollars – available at a fraction of the cost.

The Strategy:

The Basic International Asset Protection Structure establishes a Bahamas Irrevocable Discretionary Trust, which owns the shares or membership of your current U.S. Corporations or Limited Liability Companies. A Nevis Offshore LLC can optionally be added to hold offshore Bank accounts, brokerage accounts etc. The “Trustee” and the “Protector” are included in Trust Package.

Legal vs. Beneficial Ownership:

The most distinct feature of a Trust is the clear separation of the legal ownership (title) of the asset from the beneficial ownership of the asset. While the Trustee is the holder of the legal title to a Trust,

the rights to the benefits and gains from the trust assets lie with the Beneficiaries. The Settlor is clearly NOT the holder of the legal title to the Trust, however, he prescribes how the Trust assets shall be used and who shall receive the gains and benefits from the Trust property.

Trust Effectiveness:

The effectiveness of an asset protection trust is contingent that the trust is maintained as “Discretionary”, with the Trustee having the ultimate final word with regard to the investment of the trust property and the size, timing, and destination of any future distributions made.  Your “estate planning” should include naming multiple Beneficiaries including international charities, giving the trustee wide discretion, so you may appear in a United States Court and swear under oath that you do not own or control these assets (held in trust).

The Trustee:

The Trustee is Hong Kong Company. As a transparent yet “low regulatory” jurisdiction Hong Kong affords the trust and the trust assets a great deal of privacy since there is no registration of or Government access to your private trust documents.

The Protector:

The Protector is an essential safeguard built into the trust arrangement as it accepts instructions from the Settlor and has the ultimate power to remove or replace the Trustee. The function of the Protector may legally be undertaken by the Settlor or by a beneficiary, although, for asset protection purposes, this is NOT recommended. Additionally, it is not recommended that the Protector be located in the United States. An optional “offshore protector” is included in the package.

The Trust Jurisdiction: The Bahamas

In the Bahamas, the Trust Documents are not recorded or registered in any way. The Trust Instrument is a confidential document. Additionally, the Settlor of a Trust may also be named as a Beneficiary: So even though the Trust is irrevocable, a distribution of Trust Assets may be made to a Beneficiary, who was also the original Settlor, effectively returning the asset to the original owner.

Tax Neutral:

N.B: The Bahamas Asset Protection Trust Strategy is a tax neutral strategy designed for asset protection. If the Settlor to the Trust is a U.S. Person and the trust has any U.S. beneficiaries, the Settlor will be treated as the “Tax Owner” of the trust assets by the I.R.S. and will be required to report and pay any taxes on the earnings of the trust annually. PLEASE NOTE that if this package is combined with the International CFC “Cloud Business” Package, any profits retained within that CFC are still U.S. “tax deferred” until such time as an actual dividend payment is made to the trust (at which time the Trust will have received “earnings”) at which time tax will be payable by the Settlor.

Price: $7,500.00

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