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Name Change

Name Change

Name Change

Name Change

The court process of getting a court order after filing a Petition for Change of Name can take up to 3 months. First, you file your petition. Then, you will get a court date between 6 and 12 weeks away. If you follow all the required steps and the court approves your request, you will get a court order called a “decree” changing your name. Some courts are busier than others and it may take longer.

If you want to change your name or the name of your child, you can ask the Court for an order changing the legal name. You can then use the court order to change the birth certificate, passport, social security card, driver’s license, and other documents. Where you reside determines which County to file in.

After you file your petition to change your or your child’s name, you will get a court hearing. Before your hearing, you will have to put a notice in a Court-approved newspaper for four weeks in a row, one day per week. We can provide you with a list of Court-approved newspapers.


If you are trying to change the name of your child, you will also have to let the other parent know so that s/he has a chance to come to Court if s/he doesn’t agree. If both parents agree, they both can sign the petition to change their child’s name.

We charge a flat fee of $300.00 Petition for Change of Name for an Adult and $400.00 for a minor child or children.

There is a Court Filing Fee of $435.00 and the cost to publish the name change petition in a newspaper is $90.00.

We will be glad to review your financial situation with you to see if you qualify for a Waiver of Court Fees and Costs.

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